The following are the standards of professional conduct by which members of the Ontario Motor Coach Association shall be guided in their dealings with the public, all levels of Government and each other.
- Our business activities will be characterized by truthfulness, fairness and integrity
- We will obey all applicable laws and regulations of the Federal, Provincial, State and Municipal authorities in respect of them
- We will do our best to keep informed of the latest developments pertinent to the improvement of the motor coach industry
- We will do our best to enhance the image of the motor coach industry
- We will not seek any unfair advantage over anyone else and will not be disrespectful of the business of a fellow member
- Where not in conflict with the Letters Patent of the Association, or where not in conflict with the provisions contained in the Code of Ethics above, we will be loyal to the Association and will pursue and support its objectives and be active in its work
Each member of the association understands and agrees that the above principles constitute the codes of Ethics of the Ontario Motor Coach Association and a breach of this Code of Ethics could result in disciplinary action by the Association against them, including withdrawal of membership rights in the Association.
The Association values its reputation for integrity. It expects its Directors, Officers and members to exercise the utmost good faith in their business relationships. Although customs and standards of ethics may vary in different business environments, honesty and integrity must characterize business activities. Results are not to be achieved at the cost of violation of laws or regulations, or through unscrupulous dealings. The objectives of the Association are to support a high standard of industry service to the travelling public and to develop and maintain representation with Government on behalf of its members.