2023 has started off strong with many members reporting strong levels of demand and interest. From an outlook perspective, data shows that our industry continues a strong recovery driven by robust pent-up demand. Even with inflation concerns, consumer confidence remains relatively high as shown by the UNWTO Confidence Index. Data continues to show that we are expecting a full recovery to post-Covid levels by 2025. Now that our borders are open, data is indicating that US travel to Canada and vice-versa will show a full recovery in this year with domestic travel continuing to drive sector recovery. The 2023 group tour and motor coach markets will be leading some of this recovery and the association is here to support our members with this unique opportunity.
All members received a membership renewal email mid-January and we extend a big thank you to all who have already paid their association membership renewal. If you haven’t yet, please take a moment to open your membership renewal email from info@omca.com and follow the instructions to make your renewal payments today. Your membership is our main fuel for the services and advocacy we provide!
We have been working hard to welcome back many of our US members and those members returning to the association. Both Jennifer McGregor (jennifer@omca.com), our new Membership and Sponsorship Specialist (By: Alternative Sales Strategy), and Caitlin Smith Caitlin@omca.com, our new Member Services Representative, are both available to assist you with your renewals, new membership or any sponsorship opportunities. For any inquiries about OMCA membership, please feel free to email membership@omca.com.
Please plan to join us this year at one of our flagship events. Registration is now open for the Ontario Transportation Expo and Conference at https://ote.ca/. Information on our upcoming webinars, our golf tournament and Marketplace 2023 can be found here https://www.omca.com/events/. Please mark your calendars and join us.
As always, I’m personally available to all OMCA members. Please feel free to connect with me directly should you have any questions about the association and our plans for 2023 growth.
Take Care,
Vince Accardi, President