OMCA President’s Update – June 11th

As we emerge from the third wave of Covid-19, restrictions are lifting, vaccination rates are climbing and case counts are finally dropping. Policy makers are turning their attention to economic recovery. OMCA continues to advocate for our members survival. We know that recovery looks much different for you than the overall economy and your recovery continues to be hampered with border closures and government support programs that are winding down to quickly.

This week, OMCA, Hammond Transportation INC and Muskoka Travel Services met with MP’s Scott Aitchison, Bruce Stanton, and Doug Shipley to discuss the need for extending business supports and opening Canada’s borders. I also met with MP John Brassard along side with Angel Tours and Entertainment and hosted a one-on-one with MP Ken McDonald to advocate for continued support.

This week, TIAC launched a new campaign  to call on the federal government to plan for reopening the Canada-U.S. border, which has now been closed for nearly 15 months. OMCA and MCC are supporting members of this campaign which focuses on getting Canadian decision-makers to acknowledge the urgent need and to commit to a date to open the border before the summer tourism season is lost. In supporting this advocacy push, as president of Motor Coach Canada, I co-authored a letter with Peter J. Pantuso, the President & CEO of the American Bus Association, calling on both governments to open the border to all modes of transportation including motor coach travel. This letter has been sent to both the Canadian and US governments.

Last week, OMCA participated in a coalition meeting. This is a voluntary effort of a wide variety of people and organizations like OMCA all working together to promote Covid-19 vaccine acceptance and help speed a recovery from this pandemic. The coalition meeting was joined by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who discussed Canada’s vaccination strategy and the governments plans for reopening.

Please take a moment to visit both the and the websites. Both have social shareables that can be easily used to support both campaigns. Also, please remember to follow OMCA’s social channels. We need all our voices aligned!

Thank you for being a member, your support is vital to our work.

Vince Accardi

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